
In the library that stores the institutional memory of Lake Texcoco, inside the Conagua offices in San Juan de Aragón, there are facsimile files of all kinds of projects written since 1971. There, one may find the reports of the few projects still in place, including initiatives with an ecological approach. Such initiatives promised future transformations for this land, which today seem matters of a distant past. There are also printed copies of projects started and cancelled, facsimiles of the ones that never materialized, and examples of the ones that were impossible to carry out. Among the latter, there is a metal-ring-bound album with a red leather cover, the blueprint for a housing project to be built in Lake Texcoco. None of the pages is dated, but from the seal of the Ministry of Hydraulic Resources on the cover, it is inferred the album was compiled between the late seventies and early eighties. On each one of the pages and in the footnotes of the hand-drawn blueprints, the word “Coplasa” is written in bold letters, all-caps, without serifs.  [...]