
During a round-table discussion, César del Valle, one of the leaders of the People’s Front for the Defense of the Land (FPDT), asked the audience: “What is dispossession?” Some thirty people congregated in a small auditorium to talk about the possible consequences of the construction of the New Mexico City International Airport in the Texcoco basin. On the pine-wood surface of a table lay an open map, crisscrossed by folding lines. The map showed the northeastern region of the state of Mexico, strewn with partitions outlining different lands, one of top of the other. On the upper right side of the huge sheet, an area highlighted in red stood out, drawn over other lots marked by dotted lines. According to the measurements at the margins of the map, a triangle of some ninety hectares appeared under the legend: “Lots of the Atenco ejido under dispute with the NAICM.”  [...]